Welcome to High Low Brow, the podcast with high brow takes on low brow culture.
Illustration by Elana Delaney
The show started in May 2020. It was a weird time, NGL. There were some photos of Joe Rogan in a sauna floating around on the Interwebz. Thankfully, Olivia Rodrigo dropped Sour and helped us collectively erase that image from our souls with her bops.
High Low Brow has been (or is trying to) carve out space in the airwaves for deep dives and thoughtful convos about our beloved pop culture that is often overlooked, laughed at, trashed, and brushed aside. Join us (and some of our internet pals!) for hot, juicy, maybe controversh opinions and a few rounds of games inspired by the stuff you watched when you were home sick with an anxiety-induced stomachache in your formative years.
Hosted by Ama Scriver and her co-host River Gilbert, they are OBSESSED with all things trashy, sassy, weird, and whatever’s in between. New episodes drop every Sunday, so tune in.